Tuesday, January 15, 2013

iOS Freemium Conversion Rate

The Rebus Show Free is a free iOS app that exists along side The Rebus Show which sells for $1.99. In the last 90 days, the free app's conversion rate of people purchasing the $1.99 upgrade is 7.3%. In the same period, the paid app earned about 20% more than the free app.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Convert Storyboard from iPhone to iPad

This posting saved me a lot of time when creating an iPhone app from an existing iPad app. The comments contain useful info too.

UIImage imageNamed does not resolve device based names when the image name contains a period.

UIImage imageNamed does not resolve device based names when the image name contains a period.

Given an image named "ab~ipad.png" [UIImage imageNamed:@"ab"] WORKS
Given an image named "a.b~ipad.png" [UIImage imageNamed:@"a.b"] RETURNS NULL