Saturday, December 29, 2012

UIView to UIImage

A simple way to capture a UIView in a UIImage or PDF.

Import CaptureView.h/.m

For an image screenshot:

UIImage* screenshotImage = [CaptureView viewToImage:self.view];
For a PDF screenshot:
NSData* pdfData = [CaptureView viewToPdf:self.view];

Primitive values with NSArray & NSDictionary


NSArray+Primitive extends NSArray and NSMutableArray to provide support for primitivesBOOL, char, int, float, CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect. The following example demonstrates int but all the other types work the same way.
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray array];
[array addInt:1]; // array = [1]
[array addInt:2]; // array = [1, 2]
int i = [array intAtIndex:0]; // i = 1
[array swapIndex1:0 index2:1]; // array = [2, 1]
[array replaceIntAtIndex:0 withInt:3];  // array = [3, 1]
[array insertInt:4 atIndex:1];
NSLog(@"%@", [array description]); // console shows [3, 4, 1]


NSDictionary+Primitive extends NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary to provide support for primitivesBOOL, char, int, float, CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect. The following example demonstrates int but all the other types work the same way.
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dict setInt:1 forKey:@"int1"]; // dict = { int1:1 }
[dict setInt:2 forKey:@"int2"]; // dict = { int1:1, int2:2 }
int i = [dict intForKey:@"int1"]; // i = 1
NSLog(@"%@", [dict description]); // console shows { int1 = 1; int2 = 2; }

Sunday, June 17, 2012

UIFont properties

This is the most useful illustration I've found describing UIFont properties. Full article.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hold For Developer Release

When creating a new version of an app there is an option to release the app after it's approved or hold it for the developer to release. I'm not aware of a way to modify this setting after the version has been created, so it's probably a good idea to always choose hold for developer release. Apps being submitted for the first time do not have this option and the work around appears to be to set the apps availability date to some time in the future in Rights And Pricing.

Update: Confirmed that setting availability date on a new app will hold it from the store release. The gotcha is the app position in iTunes "New" list appears to be based on approval date, so the longer you wait the less time your app shows in "New".

Monday, May 14, 2012

Browser Usage Stats

Global stats from W3C (browser, OS, screen resolution)

but the US has a heavier IE proportion:

US browser stats

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SVN command line and @2x images

You can't escape it, adding and removing @2x images from the command line don't work. Thanks to a post by behaving on StackOverflow for the solution:

You need to add a "@" sign in the end to get SVN to process the file.
For example, if you had a file called foo@2x.png which you want to add to SVN, you would type:
svn add foo@2x.png@
If you have lots of files with the "@" symbol in their name that you want to process in a batch (i.e. use * wildcard), you can do something like this in OS X Terminal:
find . -name "*@*" | xargs -I % svn add %@
The above command will use the find utility to list out each file with @ in its filename and then pipe the path to the file to SVN using XARGS. XARGS will replace each occurrence of % with the path and append the special "@" at the end of the filename so that SVN will accept it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blocks don't retain variables

I recently had user reports of The Rebus Show crashing in iOS 5.1. The app had been tested and even put through a beta program. The intermittent crash happened because the blocks don't retain variables, in this case myObj was intermittently released by iOS:

    runBlockAfterDelay(delay, ^{
        [myObj myMethod];
        myObj = nil;

The fix was simple:

    __block MyObj* temp = myObj;
    runBlockAfterDelay(delay, ^{
        [temp myMethod];
        temp = nil;

Tracking down this issue was difficult because it was intermittent, crash reports didn't symbolicate this code, ARC was responsible for the object's release, and because the crash manifested itself in an apparently unrelated event handler myMethod was responsible for removing. Fortunately, I noticed the event handler's owner address was different than the current object's address.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Positioning UIViews

UIView+position is the most useful category I've come across - so good, I add it to my project's .pch so it's always available. Author Tyler Neylon made this available via a Apache 2 license. You can do all sorts of neat stuff e.g.

view1.frameY = view2.frameBottom
view1.frameWidth = view2.frameHeight

Xcode: How to turn off ARC on individual files

  1. Click on the Project.
  2. Click on the target.
  3. Select build phases tab.
  4. Select the multiple files in which you want to turn off ARC.
  5. Press ENTER / Hit Enter key
  6. Type “-fno-objc-arc” ( without quotes)
For more info: Source Link by Neon Spark

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Adding a NIB view at runtime

// Add MyView.xib to a UIView, in IB associate MyView.xib and the MyView class
NSArray* nibViews = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"MyView" owner:self options:nil];        
MyView* o = [nibViews objectAtIndex:0];
[self addSubview:o];

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Showing invisible files and folders on the Mac

In Terminal:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

to hide:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Xcode 4.2 doesn't generate a stack trace

Xcode 4.2 doesn't generate a stack trace when simulating iOS5. Choosing a 4.x (or older) target in the project's scheme menu will show a stack trace. The project build setting for 'iOS Deployment Target' has to be set to 4.x (or older) to see older scheme targets.