Saturday, December 29, 2012

UIView to UIImage

A simple way to capture a UIView in a UIImage or PDF.

Import CaptureView.h/.m

For an image screenshot:

UIImage* screenshotImage = [CaptureView viewToImage:self.view];
For a PDF screenshot:
NSData* pdfData = [CaptureView viewToPdf:self.view];

Primitive values with NSArray & NSDictionary


NSArray+Primitive extends NSArray and NSMutableArray to provide support for primitivesBOOL, char, int, float, CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect. The following example demonstrates int but all the other types work the same way.
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray array];
[array addInt:1]; // array = [1]
[array addInt:2]; // array = [1, 2]
int i = [array intAtIndex:0]; // i = 1
[array swapIndex1:0 index2:1]; // array = [2, 1]
[array replaceIntAtIndex:0 withInt:3];  // array = [3, 1]
[array insertInt:4 atIndex:1];
NSLog(@"%@", [array description]); // console shows [3, 4, 1]


NSDictionary+Primitive extends NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary to provide support for primitivesBOOL, char, int, float, CGPoint, CGSize, CGRect. The following example demonstrates int but all the other types work the same way.
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dict setInt:1 forKey:@"int1"]; // dict = { int1:1 }
[dict setInt:2 forKey:@"int2"]; // dict = { int1:1, int2:2 }
int i = [dict intForKey:@"int1"]; // i = 1
NSLog(@"%@", [dict description]); // console shows { int1 = 1; int2 = 2; }